b'THRUSTERS ACCESSORIES THRUS7(56\x03\x03\x03:LQGODVV\x03$&&ESSORIESTCD Remote controls for on/off system RRC Radio remote controls+DQGKHOG\x03WUDQVPLWWHUV\x03IRU\x03WKUXVWHU\x03\x03:LQGODVV Microcontroller-operated functionsOperating temperatures fromSimple and intuitive user interface. -15C to +70C Can work in a wide range of ambient temperatures. 3RFNHW\x03WUDQVPLWWHUV\x03IRU\x03 Transmitters with non-slipFSK modulation and carrierPossibility of connecting several TCD remote controls in parallel. WKUXVWHU\x03\x10\x0355&\x033:\x17\x03 and shock-proof rubber frequency 434.420 Mhz Easy to install by means of connectors (optional extensions). Floating Automatic priority system.LED indicatorAlso working withAutomatic disabling. LED indicator rechargeable batteries (OnlyProtection against reverse polarity, output short circuit, prolongedseries HT)activity of thrusters and interruption of thrusters controls wiring. Keyboard backlighting byAcoustic signals (that can be deactivated). means of LEDs (Only series HT).Silicone back-lighted buttonsRRC 3:\x17) )/64 /1623 11TCD 1022 TCD 1042 60 (2119 (4 RRC H02 ) /169116 (4 47 (1 27/ 32 ) 23 (29/ 32 ) Transmitter-holder .FSJEJBO\x01O$PEFT\x01 \x16\x17\x15\x17\x14\x01 \x16\x17\x15\x17\x16\x01 Dimensions in mm (inch) RRC H02 strap supplied IP67 as standardModels TCD 1022 TCD 1042 IP67 61 (2 13/ 32 ) 35 (1 3/ 8 )Current capacity of thruster commands 4A max Dimensions in mm (inch)Supply voltage (1) from 8 to 31 Vdc .FSJEJBO\x01$PEF\x01 \x16\x17\x16\x19\x1a \x16\x17\x16\x19\x18 \x16\x17\x16\x1a\x13Models PW4 H0\x15 HT4Current consumption at rest (2) 10 mA Directive Compliance 2014/53/EU (RED) 2014/53/EU (RED) 2014/53/EU (RED)Operating temperature from -20 to +70 C Carrier frequency 434.420 Mhz 434.420 Mhz 434.420 MhzModulation FSK FSK FSKGProtection rating (3) IP66 Number of keys 4 \x15 4DimensionT\x01LxAxP-mm 78 x 78 x22 78 x 78 x 113 0HULGLDQ\x03&RGH\x1d\x03\x18\x19\x17\x1c\x15\x03 Power supply CR2450 3V litihium battery 3 alkaline AAA batteries or rechargeable NiMHTCD (;\x13\x19\x03\x10\x03\x19P\x03\x03FRQWURO\x03FDEOH\x03Peso / Weight 80 g(0\x1117 lb) 140 g(0\x1131 lb) H[WHQVLRQ\x03IRU\x03ERZ\x03WKUXVWHU 2perating temperature -15 C \x10 +70 C -15 C \x10\x03+70 C Protection rating -IP67\x12 With power supply voltage less than 8 Vdc the control panel can reset.Weight with battery 34 g (0\x1107 lb) 135 g (0\x1129 lb)\x13 Typical value with control panel disabled.\x14 Excluding the back of the control panel (IP20).RRC Radio Remote Controls(OHFWURQLF\x03%LOJH\x036ZLWFKHV\x03(%61 Receivers Full supply range (from 10.5 to 31Vdc).\x14\x11 0LFURSURFHVVRU\x03&RQWUROOHG Microcontroller-operated functions. Indication of the system operating status, errors and \x15\x11 $GYDQFHG\x03GLJLWDO\x03ILOWHU\x03WR\x03GLVWLQJXLVK\x03WKH\x03SUHVHQFH\x03RI\x03ZDWHU\x11 problems by means of LED and seven-segment display.\x16\x11 ([WHQGHG\x03SRZHU\x03VXSSO\\\x03UDQJH\x11Protection against polarity inversion.\x17\x11 5HPRWH\x03LQGLFDWLRQ\x03RI\x03RSHUDWLRQ\x03VWDWXV\x03E\\\x03OHG\x03RU\x03UHPRWHProtection against the dicharge of the battery.FRQWURO\x03SDQHO\x03\x0bRSWLRQDO\x0c\x1150 transmitters can be stored.\x18\x11 0DQXDO\x03UHPRWH\x03SXPS\x03VZLWFK\x10RQ\x03E\\\x03EXWWRQ\x03RU\x03UHPRWH\x03FRQWUROTranslation mode to activate more receivers, installed.FSJEJBO\x01$PEF\x01 \x16\x17\x16\x1a\x17 \x16\x17\x16\x1a\x18in different spots, by means of one transmitter.SDQHO\x03\x0bRSWLRQDO\x0c\x11 Programmable digital filter.Models - Receivers R0\x15 R0\x17\x19\x11 6LJQDO\x03IRU\x03SURORQJHG\x03ELOJH\x03SXPS\x03VZLWFK\x03RQ\x03\x0bLI\x03OHG\x03RU\x03UHPRWHTwo functions can be activated at the same time. Directive Compliance 2014/53/EU (RED)FRQWURO\x03SDQHO\x03LV\x03LQVWDOOHG\x0c\x11 Possible connection to an external antenna. Carrier frequency 434.420 Mhz\x1a\x11 3URWHFWLRQ\x03DJDLQVW\x03H[FHVVLYH\x03EDWWHU\\\x03UXQGRZQ\x11 1/ 4 ) Modulation FSK\x1b\x11 6ZLWFK\x10RQ\x12VZLWFK\x10RII\x03GHOD\\\x03WR\x03DYRLG\x03IDOVH\x03VZLWFK\x10RQ\x12VZLWFK\x10 108 (4 RII\x03F\\FOLQJ\x03RI\x03WKH\x03SXPS\x03FDXVHG\x03E\\\x03WKH\x03UROO\x03RI\x03WKH\x03ERDW\x11 Number of transmitters which can be to stored 50\x1c\x11 5HVLQ\x10FRDWHG\x03ZDWHUWLJKW\x03FDVLQJ\x11\x14\x13\x03(DV\\\x03LQVWDOODWLRQ\x11 Number of relays \x15 \x17132 (5/ ) Relay contact rating 15 A (*)) 32 ) /64/ 123 (4 27 13 37141,7 (5 64 Power supply 10,5 \x10 31 Vdc(OHFWURQLF\x03%LOJH\x036ZLWFK\x03(%61 0HULGLDQ\x03&RGH Quiescent current 25 mA%LOJH\x036ZLWFK\x03\x14\x13$PS\x03(%61\x14\x13 \x18\x19\x1c\x17\x1c Operating temperature -15 C+70 C\x03%LOJH\x036ZLWFK\x03\x14\x18$PS\x03(%61\x14\x18 \x18\x19\x1c\x18\x13 Protection rating IP55Weight 300 g (0\x1166 lb)143 (5 5/ 8 ) 61\x114 (2 27/ 64 ) * Lntermittent use.\x12\x15\x13 \x12\x15\x14C S'